
Teach. Play. Love. Parenting Advice for the Early Years

By Nicole Donnelly February 23, 2019

Remember when you were pregnant, and everybody told you how fabulous parenthood was going to be? You’d give birth and fall in instant love with your newborn. You would nurse and ogle your new addition. Your boys would wear cute overalls and have sweet parts in their hair. Your girls would have pigtails and nicely and politely wear adorable dresses. They would grow up adoring you, playing nicely, and smoothly sail through their early years. Such a sweet, amazing, and easy experience.

Then, you gave birth and it was nothing like that. Am I right? Some of it may have happened, but surely not all of it. You were instantly confused why your baby won’t latch. Dresses were a no-go on your little girl. Your preschooler bites every kid in his class. Your daughter cut her own bangs. Nobody plays nicely, and they fight all the time. The whining and crying grates your last nerve. Plus, every adult in your life has parenting advice and it’s all different!

We get it, mamas. Momming is hard. Luckily there are amazing resources out there to help you cut through the noise and get down to the definitive voice of parenting. Bright Horizons® new podcast, Teach, Play, Love: Parenting Advice for the Early Years is a favorite of ours. Through a series of podcast episodes, early childhood expert Rachel Robertson (and a variety of her guests) discuss what really matters during your child’s earliest and most important years for development.

We listened, and we love it. The real-life advice for parenting helps open parents’ eyes to what’s truly important and how to bring joy back to the world of parenthood. For example, there is a focus on hot-button issues like encouraging boredom in your kids, the importance of play, the quest for executive function, and the digital dilemma. The bonus for us? All the episodes are under 20 minutes, giving us the opportunity to listen in the pickup line at school, driving to the grocery store, or while working out.

Trust us when we say you need to listen in. Listen In or subscribe to Teach, Play, Love: Parenting Advice for the Early Years here.

Bright Horizons® is a leading provider in early education and preschools, offering services and support to families around the world.